Can't Log In 10th July


My self and a few friends are unable to log in today.


i am and many other ppl too
what are with comodo ?

I have the same problem not being able to connect. I am currently using version

Alert sent.

I can’t login. We are at least 50 people

Hi, still unable to log in. ISP is Jersey Telecom (Channel Islands) if that is relevant.

Thanks your your support and service, EasyVPN is invaluable for us.

I just installed EasyVPN and I can not register my account. I assume that this is related to the “Can’t log in” issue.

Hope you resolve it soon.

Nothing useful to add, just another data point;
4 of us on the network at different locations on at least 2 different ISPs, none of us can log in (fine early morning of the 10th but by the afternoon no go).

Back on Evening of 11th.

so is this really comodo forums I mean I dont see anyone stating that they see their is a problem. I am working off windows 7 32b which the website saying this works but when I download it says vista.
wow I Had high respect for comodo but I see a problem and yet no one seems to saying anything about it (noticed on other topics)

If you are referring to the inability to login via EVPN, this issue has been fixed.

It would have been nice if someone from Comodo has said they were working on it, but I don’t view it as a deal breaker that they didn’t.

I am working off windows 7 32b which the website saying this works but when I download it says vista.

The 32bit download (which is labelled, in part, “XPVista”) will also work on Windows 7.

wow I Had high respect for comodo but I see a problem and yet no one seems to saying anything about it (noticed on other topics)

Exactly what problem are you referring to? The incorrect labelling of a beta download??

I tried to use this a while back and it worked fine for two days then went down and couldnt log in. so I uninstalled and moved on now im trying it again with almost the same problems but this time I go to the forum and notice it happens alot.

is this windows 7 comp.? I mean because if it isnt then really that maybe what I have been dealing with for the past month.

There was a connection issue on July 10th, but it’s back up now. When EVPN was first released as a beta, there were similarly a handful of connection issues.Thismost recent outage has been the only outage of any consequence for over a year. On the whole, the EVPN connection has been very, very reliable.

It is possible that you are just very unlucky and tried it during two rare outages. I use EVPN day in and day at work and at home and. other than the other day, it has been faultless for me.

I’d suggest you give it another try and yes, it does work on Win7.

Ewen :slight_smile: