Cant do right click scan

CIS 3.10
Vista ultimate x64 Sp2

Whenever i try to right click & scan a file(s) cis will scan some of them, then i an appcrash & vista asks me if i would like to close the program. Thing is, if i scan 2 or 3 files, it wont happen, only a larger number 15-20 files.

If i try to right click scan again i get a message saying the scanner is currently busy.

I have tried a reinstall but to no affect

Hello fieseler,

After the crash you need to restart your system to be able to test again.
Can you please check the windows eventlog and see if it recorded crash details for cmdagent and or cavscan, and post them here ?

Seems to be just the same stuff in vista’s appcrash diaglogue box, I think this is the first cis bug ive encountered for a few months!

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: cavscan.exe
Application Version: 3.10.36658.530
Application Timestamp: 4a4e120e
Fault Module Name: pe.cav
Fault Module Version: 3.10.36265.529
Fault Module Timestamp: 4a4c3e43
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 0000000000002e2c
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: ce9b
Additional Information 2: 7a55f388ce2d6ed048d65f8e0b0efbed
Additional Information 3: 974b
Additional Information 4: 179da1ad166b024ba5c62d7cfc794198

does a cavscan on \program files finish normal ? or does it crash on all folders ?
Did this start after the recent AV database updates ?

seems to crash on all folders, plus i only noticed it yesterday so must be a problem with recent change in 3.10

Can you please post all other security software installed on your system ?

U might have conflicting software, something about "shell integration or shell extension" don't know the whole mombo-jombo to explain to u as I'm not a computer geek, I had similar simptomes with a security software once (was hungin' and crashin') and I was advised by a friend who in fact is a computer geek to do the following:

download latest version of ShellExView (freeware software) and install it and it will show u all the software on your system that are “shell integrated or shell extensions”

u will notice many columns and one of them is named “Company” and it tells u which company is the software from

all the software that are not from microsoft except Comodo software must be selected by pointing right-click on it and select Disable or multiple using Ctrl

close the ShellExView software and reboot (can’t remember if u must reboot but do it anyway)

try using Comodo scan now and see if it still hungs or crashes !!!

             This is how I got my problem solved, I use win xp sp3.

Sorry if this post doesn’t make sense or for the ■■■■■■ edit, I’M DEAD TIRED, must go to bed but I will come back soon !!!

Don’t know if this works for vista os, I’ve posted this on other topics were it seems people have the simptomes similar to the ones I’ve had !!!

Hope to hear from u guys, I’m curious if this solution works for others !

I’m seeing the exact same thing as the OP, with a few additional details:

  • I can successfully right-click scan on non-executable files. Works as expected.
  • But if I try to scan an exe, it does just what the OP reported – the scan dialog pops open then immediately disappears, and you can’t run any other scans because Comodo reports the scanner is busy.

This just started yesterday evening. I’m certain about that – I use right-click scan a lot, and I would have noticed.

I’d be glad to help look into this if it would help move toward a fix.

Vista x64 SP2
Comodo CIS 3.10.102363.531
CIS AV Database 1848

Hi radianceseeker,

Can you check you windows eventlogs to see if there is a crash recorded for cavscan.exe ?

I will.


I see four for Comodo (not for cavscan.exe per se):

Faulting application cmdagent.exe, version 3.10.36658.530, time stamp 0x4a4e128a, faulting module pe.cav, version 3.10.36265.529, time stamp 0x4a4c3e43, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x0000000000002e2c, process id 0x410, application start time 0x01ca13cb1a32d81c.

Faulting application cmdagent.exe, version 3.10.36658.530, time stamp 0x4a4e128a, faulting module pe.cav, version 3.10.36265.529, time stamp 0x4a4c3e43, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x0000000000002e2c, process id 0x408, application start time 0x01ca1416e69a9d78.

Faulting application cmdagent.exe, version 3.10.36658.530, time stamp 0x4a4e128a, faulting module pe.cav, version 3.10.36265.529, time stamp 0x4a4c3e43, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x0000000000002e2c, process id 0x40c, application start time 0x01ca141bbbd7c840.

Faulting application cmdagent.exe, version 3.10.36658.530, time stamp 0x4a4e128a, faulting module pe.cav, version 3.10.36265.529, time stamp 0x4a4c3e43, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x0000000000002e2c, process id 0x408, application start time 0x01ca148df54ea66b.

Let me know if you want anything else.

Hi Radianceseeker,

There have been some reports that this is caused by some corruption in the AV database.
Can you try the following ?

Boot in Safe-Mode copy the *.cav files from \program files\comodo\comodo internet security\repair folder
and past them in \program files\comodo\comodo internet security\scanners overwriting those versions.
Now boot in normal mode and update the AV database, after that has finished try to see if it still crashes.

Thanks a ton, Ronny, I did what you said and it’s working again now.

:-TU Good to hear…