Cannot update

Iam using Comodo Boclean, ever since I installed 4.25 I cannot download any updates. Any thoughts?

Are you using a firewall?

It may be worth checking you have not got a rule in firewall settings blocking either BOC425.exe or BOC4UPD.exe


if you have MS’s “defender” on your computer, you could try disabling its realtime-protection and see if you are then able to update BOC…

Also in regards to firewalls,if your are using a dsl modem and are behind a NAT through your ISP and you have your modem hardwired firewall set for anything besides off or minimum,it will block Bocleans updates.Found that out when I read a post about it using Port 21 to update and I had it set to block that port. Than when it still would’nt update,I turned it off and then it would update.
If you have a router you might want to check them also.

Have you read the FAQ on Update Issues?
Update Issues

There are several posts on update problems with helpful answers.
Please read these first.
If you need to post after going through these, please include OS and CBO client information.

Is IE in “Offline” mode?,8280.0.html

Did you try the Updater in the startup folder?,8294.0.html

Did you give “Modify” and “Write” rights to the Limited users?,8280.0.html

Did you install in admin mode?
Have you rebooted?

Administrator cannot update:;msg68630#msg68630

The issue was IE - not Outlook Express - see:

Both links describe the IE issue. Interesting to note that the first linked KB article was last reviewed yesterday. Even though they both refer to IE 4 and/or 5, evidently the issue continued in IE6.
Also worthwhile noting that the issue does not appear to be resolved by MS, the registry change may not stick and they admit to such in the KB article.
Resetting :
HKEY_USERS\SID\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\GlobalUserOffline to 0 resolved the issue on all the boxes in question.

Here’s another solution to get Comodo BoClean to update.;msg65625#msg65625

Shutdown BOClean from systray.
Go to C:\Program Files\Comodo\CBOClean
Right-click BOC423.exe then click Properties.
Click the “Compatibility” tab
Under Privilege level
Check the box “run this program as administrator”
Click OK then close the properties.

Launch BOClean, right-click then click check for updates.

i saw another post, in the avira forums, that said that, in some cases, symantec’s cleanup utility can cause problems with updating… here is a link to the post: