cannot see youtube comments

I’m fairly new to Icedragon. I had been using pale moon for a long time.
But decided to give icedragon a go. It behaves well. But I cannot see Youtube comments.
I still have the pale moon browser. where I can see yt comments.
I have put icedragon in safe mode, but it made no difference.

Hi and welcome irish66,
I am unable to reproduce this issue.
Try disabling all 3rd party blocking/filtering extensions?
Clear your browsing history and try again.


Didn’t work, thanks anyhow.

Hi irish66,
I just reproduced this issue, it may or may not be the cause on your system.
If you have selected ‘custom settings for history’ under privacy, you have to allow/accept cookies from sites (Screenshot).
If this is deselected, YouTube comments will not load.

Kind regards.

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Wow.Fantastic. That Worked. Thanks a lot.
Actually, I had it on “remember history” I just changed over to custom settings.(The allow cookies option was ticked, by the way.) Anyway, I just pressed enter (couldn’t see an OK button), and now comments can be seen.
I’m extremly grateful

Hi irish66,
I am not sure why ‘Remember history’ wasn’t allowing the comments to show, but it is good to hear that you can see them now. :slight_smile:

Kind regards.