Cannot see some applications rules [Resolved]

I just replaced sygate with comodo firewall, and came across a problem:

There two typs of application that I cannot see their rules under application monitor:

  1. “known application” like Iexplorer, windows messenger, svchost etc.
  2. Programs on which I answered with out selecting “remember my answer for this application”.
    Is there a way for me to see these program rules?


I would be very happy to know an answer for this problem, since i am in the same case :
I uninstalled Sygate.
I installed Comodo.

Some applications rules are working
Some are hidden and explorer can work for example without a popup sayin’ “is trying to connect to Internet” even with Alert bar at high level

Thanks in advance.

Welcome to the forums (:WAV)

  1. The applications not showing are on Comodo’s safelist. You can force those to show, by doing the following: Go to Security/Advanced/Miscellaneous, and uncheck the 2nd box, “Do not show alerts for applications certified by Comodo.” Click OK, and reboot. Be aware, you will now see alerts for more Windows services than you may have ever known existed. :slight_smile: The only advice I will give on that is that if you block svchost.exe, you will very likely lose your internet connection.

  2. If you don’t select “Remember” then the application is only allowed for that session; no rule is created. In order to create a rule, you will need to check “Remember” or else manually add a rule to the Application Monitor.

Hope that helps,


Thanks for you’r quick answer. You are right, it now works perfectly.

No problem, light ~

Glad it’s working for you!

acakuo, how’s it going for you? Did that take care of it?


Yes this is just what I was looking for!

It seems like comodo is here to stay in my PC.


Great! I’ll mark this topic as “Resolved” for other users’ benefit, then. If you find you need it reopend, just PM a Moderator with a link back here, and we’ll be glad to reopen it for you.
