Cannot logon to my bank.

I have now found the the program that is preventing me from logging onto my bank. I have disabled Comodo online security and it works now.

When I try to logon to my bank I get the following error message.


For security reasons you’re unable to use the Back, Forward and Refresh buttons in your browser.

Please log on to NetBank again.

Reference: 2677c466-67af-4d0d-91a5-9a5067ea0342

I have talked to the bank and they tell me that this is a problem with IceDragon and Firefox, They tell me that I should use Chrome. I would prefer not to use Chrome.
I have done a reset on IceDragon but it has not fixed the problem. Are you aware of this issue and if so do you have a fix.

Hi mcdonro1!

Thank you for your feedback!

Unfortunately, that is not a browser specific message. It’s related to their page as I’ve tried with another browser and I got the same message as the one you’ve posted.

Comodo Browsers Team