Cannot log into Disqus

Since I installed Dragon over a week ago, I have tried daily to log into my Disqus account. It always goes to a page that says there was an “error submitting the form.” My Dragon version is the latest as of today. I am using the Fashion theme from LookTrend. I’m using Windows 8.1, 64-bit. Windows installed, I imagine, in C Drive. The installation path? No idea, over my tech pay grade. User privileges, normal. I do not have Google Chrome installed.

I wrote the above after reading your instructions on how to report a bug.

Thanks in advance.

I thought i’m the only one who experienced this issue. I got this issue too.

Well, darn, PX. I received an email saying there was a response to my initial post. I thought, oh, boy! There is a solution … but no!

Too bad. This issue alone keeps me from having Dragon as my default browser or even much using it at all. A fatal flaw, as they say. :frowning: