Cannot download Comodo

(:AGY)When i try to instalL setup, it says comodo is already installed. It is NOT. It is nowhere in my computer, nowhere. I had it installed several months ago but I deleted it, so now I can’t download or install it. there is noway to contact support on this matter. says to download the version you want and then ask question? Thats insane, when I can download it. It gives me and option if I want to remove it now, I click yes and it does nothing. I turn off my anti virus and windows firewall, but it doesn’t help. do I need to go to a less effective product? Hope not. I do a search and its nowhere in my comuter.PLEASE, someone get me on the right path.


Two simple questions.

  1. What product and what version?

  2. Is there any left-over registry entries for Comodo? Open regedit and press ctrl+f, then search for Comodo and see if it finds anything.


The version is 3.0 firewall. I found registy entries that I have deleted. Then re-downloaded install exe. Tried to re-install and got the following message, ( Erro O running command.\cfp_setrup_3.0.14.276_xp_Visa_x64.exe) Now what?

Do you have XP/Vista 64-bit? If not, you’ll most likely get some error when running the installation file.
If you don’t know, take a look here:


I am using windows xp pro, 250 gig HD I gig memory, AMD 64 Athlonx2 3800 dual core processor. I shouldn’t be getting any errors. I have no problems downloading anything but comodo firewall. It downloaded just fine before and worked great, but now something is keeping it from installing right. H E L P!

You might have a corrupted file or installation but you don’t know about it…

If it isn’t in your Add/Remove program list… Then I suggest use CCleaner just to clean up some rubbish.

Now look through:
C:\Program Files\Comodo
C:\Application Data

also go to Start>Run>Msconfig and delete any Comodo Reg keys there, Believe me Comodo does leave allot of rubbish behind when uninstalling unfortunately :-\

and delete and folders/file in those directories… Now reboot, and try installing the latest version.
