Cannot connect to internet after COMODO install


Can anyone assist me how to configure Comodo firewall so I can connect to the internet. When I install ComodoFW after downloading and the restart, I cannot anumore connect to the internet. I only have a dial-up connection. when I uninstalled the FW, I can connect to the Internet. assistance please thanks.

Tony Thinking

Can you go to activity/logs in the firewall and see what it says?


I t indicates nothing. After the install, and restart, I’ll try to connect to the net, for a while I get an error 720 (or 721) asking me to change network settings. I only have dial-up which is working ok except after every install of Comodo fw. I haven’t changed any configurations yet on Comodo after the install. frustrating because if I need to answer to you now I need to uninstall Comodo first so I can connect to the net.

Thanks. (:AGY)

Hi acdevera. If you check my thread here, you’ll see I had the same problem. I tried several uninstalls and reinstalls. That didn’t work. I checked the log to see what was being blocked, I couldn’t find anything. I finally just gave up and went with my old firewall. I hope you have better luck.,3917.0.html

If you set it on “allow all”, does it work? If it does,
try to turn off just network monitor and see if it works.

Yes it is set to allow, but still it doesn’t connect. Guess I’ll move back to my former FW. Thank you guys for the time.