Can we expect a new version of i-Vault?

Not that I dislike i-Vault, but I guess that would be great to see it redesigned from scratch, maybe like CFP, CRC, and perhaps also add new features, such as a virtual keyboard.

It’s just a though.


Me too…

I think it needs a entire new UI for the users and defintly a newer version!


Second Bump (hey everyone, lets keep bumping this topic 'til someone tells us when!)

See 3xist Reply…


Hi Guys.

The news from Melih is that iVault has been put on hold, (And iVault is the only product that has been put on hold) Due to new infrastructure in the future that might be replacing iVault, Comodo still belives in Safe Login, etc but Comodo is working on something to replace iVault or have iVault in it, I don’t know yet but this is the latest news.

Hope this clarifes.


Thanks you.

Could Comodo please consider a maintenance release, & give a date for the ‘new technology’ that is to replace it, plus a reassurance that peoples existing password databases will be imported.

I, like doubtless like many others have invested considerable time inputting passwords into Ivault, and have previously been personally assured by Commodo that the product was to be maintained for example here:

I would certainly be very disappointed if all that effort were to go to waste, as I am sure would many others.

For my part I would be happy with a minor bug fix release pending the development of new technology. The product would become a very useful secure password manager if a few minor bugs were fixed, as it fulfils this function very well. I would be happy to post a list of 3-4 ‘must fix’, ‘low effort to fix,’ bugs if so requested. What Ivault does not do well, and would require more effort to achieve, is up-to-date automated log-on.

Could someone please bring this post to the attention of Melih?

With best wishes, and many thanks for a piece of software that is still the most secure password manager around, if at times, a rather buggy one.




Bump 88)


no new version of i-vault is scheduled. We are working on some other ideas for web based stuff. but too early to give any dates.
