can I change and test different D+ predefined setting wo loosing my rules?

can I change and test different D+ predefined setting wo loosing my rules?

I would like at least that my firewall rules are conserved. Best would be, my custom groups that
I use in D+ and firewall, too.

Is it still possible to change between Internet Security and Proactive settings, for ex.?

Each configuration has its own settings.

If you wish however, you can always back up your current configuration. Right click on the CIS tray icon, select Manage My Configurations from the Configuration drop-down menu, select your active profile and click Export. Name it and save it wherever you wish.


I really got it that each config has its own settings and yes I do backup my settings regularly.

From your answer I must assume that I can not import my ‘own’ settings into a new config, right?

No, you can’t import your settings to another configuration. (Although I seem to recall someone mentioning manual editing of the configuration file in a text editor)