Can comodo firewall do the same thing as the host file in windows?

I want to redirect a nasty site to I can do it in the host file but I would rather do it using comodo. I have comodo v10. I know it is old. However it works. “Do not fix something that is not broken”.

I have tried this and it doesn’t work. What am I doing wrong?

Just a tip: From Comodo V10 to V12 there have been improvents on Web Filtering module, as well as Bug fixing in other modules, including the fixing of vulnerabilities on Containment module reported by Tenable. I’d suggest you uninstall V10 using the Uninstaller Tool and then proceed to Install V12.0.0.6882 which is the most stable version at the moment, you can use the Offline Installer for this build and click on Customize Installation, uncheck Comodo AV, this will install Comodo Firewall.

What you want to do will be easier to accomplish with V12 than with V10.

Are you trying to block a domain or a website url? A domain is which you need to enter for type host name like or, if you are trying to block a url then using the web filter would be better suited. Be warned though that blocking by host name will block other domains that are not related to the one you want to block, due to a bug in the way CIS determines the IP addresses that belong to the domain.