CAMAS Labled 11 dynamic suspicious indicators yet the Malware is still labled as No Threat Found

Hello Xcitium/Comodo Team
so Dynamic Analysis(CAMAS) Has labled 11 suspicious behaviours and yet the malware is still Unknown?

isnt this supposed to be Highly Suspicious? Xcitium Cloud Verdict
i can understand 5 or 6 suspicious behaviours does not mean always malware… BUT 11 suspicious indicators that is 100% Malware and yet its still Unknown?

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@ilgaz @C.O.M.O.D.O_RT Can you please explain why it didnt caught the file?

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Hello Nick123 :slight_smile:

The file can also be found here :

Melih explained it well: you don’t have to worry about detection with Comodo CIS PRO. With Comodo CIS PRO, you don’t have to worry about detection any more.

Comodo CIS Pro is no longer an antivirus, it’s now a super ultra anti-infection.

As explained, nothing gets through. That’s why an up-to-date virus definition is useless.

It’s all about trust. Trust Melih and trust Comodo: Please!

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11 Suspicious indicators should be Highly Suspicious(Malware) that is 100% Dynamic malware probability

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I know, but we don’t run Comodo.

It’s the “nothing goes through” policy that’s been chosen.

Just to be sure:

This also applies to CIS Premium?

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CIS PRO and CIS PREMIUM are exactly the same.

As it was impossible to validate my Comodo CIS Pro license, I ended up uninstalling it, uninstalling Comodo Geekbuddy and installing Comodo CIS Premium.

All the same.

No more warranty… That’s all there is to it… That’s the only difference

If not, report it here:

Now take an exeample of this:

CAMAS labled 6 suspicious indicators and it labled it as Highly Suspicious which of course is Malware but when it lables 11 suspicious indicators its labled as Unknown??? Why???

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Its confusing on how verdicts are being determined in CAMAS(Dynamic Analysis)

You probably should @ the devs for a response @ilgaz I believe is one of them.


Hi EricCryptid !

FlorinG is probably more the one to pass on… no ?

Possibly given that they reply to the blacklist thread though not sure they have a part in dealing with CAMAS / Valkyrie. @FlorinG

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Yes, maybe, so maybe we need to contact him in direct mode…

Ilgaz is the product manager he is not the Xcitium Verdict Team

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I Belive @FlorinG is the Xcitium Verdict Cloud Staff Member

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thank you for your answer!

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