C v3. cannot install

Vista Home prem. (No SP1)
Firefox, Thunderibrd.

Please I have installed 3x and then it scans my system and aborts unfinished. I have removed AVG 8 plus. Plaase help.

I am also including a ss from a prior memeber. It is showing all my info. Why?

Thank you.

Its a joke Avie. Go to Danasoft.com and you will see. Its right under it. If your system is clean you do not need to do a scan. Just install Comodo and be sure your installing the correct version for your OS.


I am sorry I thought you couldn’t install Comodo. Look at the top of the scanner. It should say done or something. The scanner is still new actaully. Post a screen shot if you can.

Avie,i removed the screenshot you posted as by doing that you where showing everyone what your IP address is ect.
When you see one of those signs you are the only one who actually see`s it,no one else does.


LOL Matty. He thought everyone knew his IP but now by posting a screen shot he MADE everybody see it.

OK - I tired to install again and nothing. Downloaded, automatically scanned and then my SS opened and I restarted the computer. No Comodo anywhere in my computer. Clue maybe. I previously used the uninstaller several months before. Maybe I removed some important files by mistake.

This is very frustration since I do not have a firewall installed. I did not renew the AVG 8 license.

(FF 3001, Vista Home Prem -no sp1, Sandboxie, Threatfire, TB). Help please.

“Her” feels very stupid that I exposed what I had seen of my address. How was I to know is was a private overlay? You are picking on a newbie and a senior- shame on you. Thx Matty.

You dont need Threatfire if your using D+. Are you installing Comodo under a Sandbox? Dont use the scanner when installing Comodo if your pc is clean. Also what do you mean about SS opened? Did you download and install the correct version of Comodo? Are you using Vista 32 or 64?

Are you using AVG with the firewall? Have you tried uninstalling Threatfire? You still need an anti virus with Comodo.

Installed finally!!! (out of Sandbox). (:CLP)
Thank all of you for your past help.

  1. Is there anyway to use Firefox in place of IE for updates?

  2. Is there anyway to increase the text size of printed pages from this forum? It is tiny.

  3. If I installed while Windows firewall was on should I reinstall? The diagnostic test verified OK.

  4. Shall I keep AVG 8 anti virus free and delete their webscanner component?


  1. Is there anyway to use Firefox in place of IE for updates?

Without uninstalling IE (if that’s even possible) you can use IE Tab extension
Will give it a try.

  1. Is there anyway to increase the text size of printed pages from this forum? It is tiny.

One way is to press the control button on your keyboard, and scroll wheel on mouse forward. Firefox will save your settings for the next time you log on.
Got page expanded but my printer is using a minus 1 font, or so it seems.

  1. If I installed while Windows firewall was on should I reinstall? The diagnostic test verified OK.

No need. I’ve had both firewall active without noticing

  1. Shall I keep AVG 8 anti virus free and delete their webscanner component?
    Gotcha. Glad to be free of AVG and its problems. Avira!

TIA, muchly. :■■■■

Not sure I use Avira Antivir. I’ve seen many have problems with AVG of late you may want to consider Avast which is similar to AVG without the bugs.ertrash post:10, topic:224644"]