C:\Program Files\COMODO\Memory Firewall\cmfdll32.dll

is an invalid registry entry (:TNG). That’s what one of my registry cleaners detected, which is technically correct because cmfdll32.dll is saved in a different path:


Clues? Thoughts? Ideas? Opinions? Anything?

Hi Byakuya

I have the file in both places. Maybe the one in program files got deleted somehow and your cleaner is picking up that the link is now bad for that file path.


Hmm…I know I did not delete such file myself and the only major program running in the background was CFP 3… Aside from that CMF seems to be working normally (I think). Does the system tray change colours to red or something if it isn’t working? Also, why would it need the same file in two separate locations ???

[attachment deleted by admin]

All that I can think of is CMF left it in the program files list as a backup in case of corruption or loss of system32 file. No, I have never seen the icon change colour unless mine is not working right either. If think it is working normally. I tried removing it from program files and CMF ran fine without it, so must be for a backup.


Hi Byakuya

Here is what I found from umesh

That red icon indicates that driver (cmgd.sys) is not active. We just put that check to make user know in case CMF is really functioning or not. -umesh

So I guess the icon does turn red ;D



Reason: Out-Dated post.
