By Default Unknown Apps Should Not Be Allowed To Connect To Internet [M808]

hi all

  1. As an example of this vulnerability I ran a virus found in this link :
    It was breakthrough system but the firewall allowed it through.

  2. Product version: COMODO Internet Security 7.0.308911.4080 BETA
    Operating System:xp3 (x32) runing by virtualbox 4.3.2
    Configuration: Default IS configuration

  3. Why do not you change the default settings for Comodo to block any contact with suspicious

and add Option in the firewall such that :

4. Link download virus breakthrough:

If the option to “Do not show popup alerts” is disabled is the virus still able to connect?

If you disable the option is repel virus

but This option is dangerous and should be the default mode a changing

In that case this is more of a wish than a bug. Thus, I will move it to the wishes section of the Beta forum.

Please edit your post such that it is in the format provided here:


ok :wink:

Thank you for putting this in the correct format. It has now been added to the tracker.

Thanks again.


I have added a poll. Please vote.

What pole? I cannot find it. :frowning:

Do you not see a poll at the top of this page where you can vote?

No we don’t.

This must be a permissions issue. I’m looking into this.

Poll now visible.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Thanks for fixing the problem Chiron. I can see the pole now.

In the Do not show popup alerts, if you choose Block then COMODO will automatically block Internet Access to unknown application but allow trusted application.

As this was not implemented during the Beta testing period I will move this Wish Request to the main Wish Board.

Please check and see if this is implemented with the newest version (7.0.313494.4115)? You can just respond to this topic letting me know if it has been implemented or not.

Thank you.

Unfortunately, has not been implemented :-\

Thanks for checking this. I have updated the tracker.
