[Bug Report] Rules using Portset with 443 with Long Names don't allow port

I a created a port set for 443,80. Created a ruleset- Allow TCP/UDP Out on Port Set other rule Ask and log unmatching.
All apps that I have set to use this ruleset then ask for then add IP out permission for using 443
This problem started after Comodo Firewall automatically cleared my global rules. Also I have check my GlobalRules

I figured it out. There is a wierd bug. I have defined a portset (80,443) and using it in a ruleset. certain names for portset doesn’t work mostly long names don’t.

Make sure the allow rule is above the ask rule in your defined ruleset, and make sure the firewall alert frequency level is NOT set to very high.

Hi futuretech,

Thank you for supporting.


I hope you make regular backups of your PC. That’s what I do every month end.
On this occasion I make an export of the Comodo configuration which I re-import to check that the backup is ok. This export can be used in case of problems with Comodo.

Hi 5Lqep,

Thank you for reporting.
Could you please provide us the below details ? so that we will test and update you.

  1. Windows Version & CIS version.
  2. Can you reproduce the problem & if so how reliably?
  3. If you can, exact steps to reproduce. If not, exactly what you did & what happened.
  4. Any software except CIS/OS involved? If so - name, & exact version.
  5. Is there anyother security product installed on your machine?
  6. Any other information, eg your guess at the cause, how you tried to fix it etc.
  7. If possible, any related screenshots.


Hi 5Lqep,

Thank you for providing the requested information.
We are checking on this.
We will keep you posted.
