Bug in install, and uninstall

  1. When installing Comodo, it gives the option of whether or not to enable Defence+, and if Defence+ is not selected, it further gives an option to enable LeakProtection. These setting do NOT have any effect. That is, even if you deselect Defence+, and deselect LeakProtection, it still installs with both options fully enabled.

  2. Comodo uninstall does NOT clean registry very nicely. Almost all programs are known to leave some litter behind in registry, but Comodo leaves it’s configuration settings, and uses them the next time you install them. It took me a while to realize that I wasn’t dreaming, rather settings from my last install/uninstall cycle were realy showing up in a fresh install.
    Note: Bug #1 could realy be a manifestation of bug #2.

  3. I re-installed (after a couple installs/uninstalls) Comodo with Defence+ and LeakProtection disabled (and ofcourse, these were installed nonetheless). I want to “Manage My Configuration” dialog to select “Network Security” option, but noticed that only “Optimum Security” was listed in the pop-up menus that appear when I clicked on the Select and Delete buttons. Networks Scurity option was gone!

I always use Revo Uninstaller in advanced mode whenever uninstalling any software. Works like a dream. FYI. Zone Alarm leaves a bigger mess behind and there is an extensive manual clean procedure as well as Online Armor.