BSOD on Restart or Shutdown

I’m getting a random bsod with error “STOP: 0x0000007E (0x0000005, 0x804E37F3, 0xF8B398E8, 0xF8B395E4)” on restarts and shutdowns. I am unable to recreate the error, it just happens every so often. The last software change I made was to install COMODO Firewall 3.0. That’s my prime suspect, since the problem started soon after it was installed. I’m also running Avira AntiVir Classic, which I installed a couple of days prior to installing COMODO. COMODO is installed as a standard firewall with leak protection (no hips). Does this sound like a COMODO problem?

I have CFP and Antivir and haven’t any problems. It could be something else conflicting with either Do you have Spybot Teatimer running or Windows Defender? It seems those two are mentioned sometimes when someone is having problems.

No other security app’s are running - just Avira and COMODO.

check this out might help you figure out what the cause is.

According to the info at the url you provided, the error means:

Bounds check fault
This fault is generated when the processor, while executing a BOUND instruction, finds the operand exceeds the specified limits. A BOUND instruction is used to ensure that a signed array index is within a certain range.

Sounds software related to me.

Turns out this is incorrect. I was looking at the wroong stop error. Sorry.

Well, when in doubt, reinstall! I uninstalled Avira, uninstalled COMODO, reinstalled COMODO, and installed avast!. If the problem comes back, I can rule out Avira. If not, then I will have to reinstall Avira to see if the COMODO reinstall was the answer.

Post your BSOD in bug reports so we can collect them and submit them to devs.


How do I go about posting, and would you also like a copy of the mini-dump?

BSOD Thread.

Yes post your mini-dump please.


I ran the COMODO/avast combination for 4 days without any problems, so on Sunday afternoon I uninstalled avast and reinstalled Avira. I have been running that for 3 days and the problem has not reoccured. I assume the reinstall of either COMODO or Avira cured the problem.

Please do not double post. You made a post in 2 threads. No need for it.

Since I was asked to post this in the Bug Reports thread, I thought it would be a good idea to enter the resolution in both places, so neither was left “hanging”.