BSOD on inspect.sys

Hi. I´m new to the Forums so I hope this is the correct section for me to post this. I have installed Comodo Firewall Pro about a month ago and I have recently started getting Blue Screens of Death caused by inspect.sys which is part of Comodo. I have gone thru the forums and saw similar postings. As advised there I have upgraded to the latest version of Comodo and I have also updated my network card with its latest drivers. It is a Realtek RTL8111B PCI-E Gb LAN built in to my motherboard (ASUS P5LD2 SE). This is a brand new computer, I got it in December, so I do not think it´s the RAM (I have not run Memtest yet). Getting a new NIC card is NOT an option. I connect using a Zyxel 650R-31 modem/router (it requires no drivers, it works thru PPPoE). I believe that every time I had the BSOD was while using a bittorrent program (Bitcomet) but I´m not 100% on this. There are no software/hardware conflicts in my system. I have a Core 2 Duo E6400 (2,13 Ghz), 2 Gb DDR2 of RAM working in dual channel (Kingston at 667 Mhz) running on Windows XP Home SP2 fully updated. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
PS: I had posted this earlier today in another part of the forum but I think it was the wrong one…

Hi, jhr76
I think it’s the correct section for your post !

I’ve got BSoD’s ,too.
But from cmdmon.sys.

3 little questions:

  1. Which version of Firewall? (your latest and your first)
  2. Which Error-Code
  3. Have you tried to create a dump-file

take a look at this post,,6435.0.html
and tell me, please, when it’s a similar problem.

otherwise look here (post_37):,5695.37.html

Hi hellraiser-rh. I have the latest version of Comodo (I cannot check it right now cause I´m at work, but it did an automatic update the other day but the BSODs had begun before that ). The error code is IRQL not less or equal. I do not know the STOP hex code. I have Windows set to save a small dump file (64 k I think), but since I do not know how to read those files I haven´t really paid them any attention… I will check those posts you mentioned, but when I first started having this issue I went thru the forum and most of the solutions they mentined I have already tried (except getting a new NIC card, that´s not gonna happen…!!). Any further ideas are welcome. Thanks

Can you give us a minidup created by this BSOD?


Ok… I think you’ve got an other problem.

When you’re at home look at your dump-file (the filename is the date of the BSoD)
in - C:\windows\minidump\ - and send it to commodo-support
(PS: don’t forget to raise a support-ticket.)

I think there is no need to open this file at the moment.
Otherwise you need a dump-viewer or the microsoft debugging tool.

Hi Egemen. I will post the minidump when I get home. The last BSOD was there this morning when I woke up. Hopefully there won´t be another one when I get back from work… (:SAD)
Also, should I open a support ticket with Comodo as hellraiser-rh suggested? If so, where do I go to do it…? Thanks again.

You can zip and attach here. no need to go through support process.


Hi. I am attaching here the zipped contents of the Minidump folder. There were 4 in there.
Also the exact version of Comodo Firewall Pro is and the version of the Comodo Certified Application database is 3.0.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Hi everyone. Any news on the results of the analisys of my minidumps? No hurry, just curious… I was wondering if maybe I should uninstall/reinstall Comodo… I have not had another BSOD since the 14th, but of course that´s no guarantee of anything…

Hi. Since I have received no response to the results of my minidumps and I got 3 more BSODs in the meantime I have now uninstalled Comodo and went back to ZoneAlarm Pro. A shame really, cause I liked Comodo, but it´s not worth getting BSODs on a new computer because of it…