BSOD: no_more_irp_stack_locations

Just went searching on the internet for something ‘free’ to replace my ‘paid’ trend micro 2007 ■■■■ which is a major system ■■■■■.

Anyways came across Comodo and it’s free Firewall and Anti-Virus (beta2.0).

The firewall installed and worked fine, but the Anti-Virus is another story.

Upon installing AV computer needed to be reset. So computer re-booted and a few seconds getting into windows (or if I didn’t log in quick enough, it’d show on the log on screen) a BSOD appears with the error no_more_irp_stack_locations

That’s all I can remember of the message. I s**t myself as I haven’t come across a BSOD in awhile, and a free product isn’t worth screwing my computer for and so I tried getting into windows many times to add/remove it, but a few seconds just wasn’t long enough :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank MS (lol) for the Windows Safe Mode, which allowed me to get into Windows and uninstall AV.

Is any one aware of an issue with AV and whatever the problem was with irp stack?

I’m running Windows XP Pro SP2 with all updates.

I took a screenie of the Microsoft error message. The one where windows tells you about a Critical error



If you ever get the itch to try it again,you may try this.Microsoft (Microshaft (:TNG)) has a hot fix (KB887742) that should take care of the problem.This was originally used for version 1.1,having to do with high cpu usage.I’ve used this fix in each install I’ve done, & I’ve not had a problem since.Mayber it will work for you. (:KWL) (:KWL) (:CLP) (S)

Thanks Chaos. I’ve downloaded it and installed it, but testing Comodo AV will have to wait until after the weekend :■■■■ (I don’t drink ■■■■, but you get the idea).

And I did re-install the AV earlier just to check the name of the error I was getting (:KWL) Once I got that I got rid of it again via safe mode.

I have the same issue on a fresh install of XP SP 2 and just Antivirus. There is a knowledge base on Microsoft KB 906866 that I have tried to get the fix for but never get a response from them.