Browser Privacy Settings

I have a couple of questions which I hope someone can explain/answer :slight_smile:

  1. Should “Send a “Do Not Track” request with your browsing traffic” be enabled?
  2. Are there any extensions available for Chrome which protect against fingerprinting?

My questions are based from the results from this site


Re 1 I am not sure this gets you anywhere :slight_smile:

There is always someone else watching you :slight_smile:


  1. Yes. But be aware that only very few honour your DNT-request.
  2. Privacy Badger 1.0+ blocks fingerprinting by third parties, when it detects that it is used to track you (same as for cookies). See privacybadger/ at master · EFForg/privacybadger · GitHub

That is why I’m unsure :-. It looks like you should enable this feature but then again, it lets sites know your presence.

There is always someone else watching you :)

I know but you’ve got to try.


Are there any negitives on enabling this feature?

2. Privacy Badger 1.0+ blocks fingerprinting by third parties, when it detects that it is used to track you (same as for cookies). See

There must be some extensions (or browsers) that block this directly.

Corrected quote tags. JoWa

Do you mean block the site you visit from “fingerprinting” you? To begin with, I’m not sure that is always a good idea. Sites may make good use of the information, to give you the best possible version of the webpage etc. To disable JavaScript seems to be a way to block it, but it is also a way to brake most of the web.

More to read:

I see. I won’t worry too much about it then. Thanks for the links.
