Bozteck VENM Console

Hope someone can help, this is driving me nuts and one of the older version of comodo firewall didn’t do this to me but i let it patch a while back.

When I go into Bozteck VENM to remote to another pc i usually get some variant of a parent application alert. While I understand it’s doing that due to VENM creating a .cmd file that launches vncviewer.exe to the chosen pc, I have listed the VENM exe and and vncviewer as trusted file/apps to no avail. How do I tell it to ignore this for vncviewer?? The only way I’m getting any peace from message alert boxes is turning d+ off.

running 5.3.181415.1237

Try giving them the Installer/Updater policy. Does that help?

tried that and as windows system, neither got around the parent alerts.

See if the rule for Bozteck is somewhere under the All Applications rule. When it is there drag and drop it to a place somewhere above that rule. When a rule is somewhere under the All Applications rule it will follow the rule set by the All Applications rule. It is subordinate to that rule no matter what policy is being set.

Success! it had some references in that all app group. Thanks. :slight_smile: