Boot up extremely slow after CIS 2013 v6.1 update

After updating to v6.1 today my laptop takes 3 minutes and 40 seconds from the time I press the power button to the time I get a login screen. Extremely slow.

I never had this delay with v6.0.

I uninstalled CIS 2013 v6.1 and my laptop takes 45 seconds to boot from power on to the login screen.

Windows XP Pro
32 Bit
AMD - Turion64
2GB Ram

Worked fine before the update. :frowning:

The same issue with me my boots up in about 2 minutes just shows a black screen for 2 minutes then boots up like normal

I have exactly the same problem. :-[ about 3-4 minutes

Windows XP Pro
32 Bit

Here the same problem. When started the file dit.exe has high cpu usage?

big problems booting in to windows vista desktop after last comodo update. Been waiting 30 mins now and still no desktop. Just black screen. Took ages to get through bios screen, then ages to get to windows progress bar, now sitting with black screen for some time also. How do i fix this?

Any of you guys using any other protection?

It has taken 1 hour to reach my desktop. Previously had to post from my phone. I have malwarebytes, superantispyware, spywareblaster and windows defender. Normally use other software as scanners only so not running/disabled unless I carry out a scan. Previous version of Comodo before latest programme update did not have this issue. I may roll back to previous version until this has been fixed.

Can everyone with this issue please list any other security applications which currently are (or even just used to be) installed?

Also, please see if doing a complete reinstall, by following the methods I suggest in this topic solves the problem. Perhaps the issue is not with the new release but just with the auto-update.

Please let us know if this helps. The more information you provide the quicker we can get to the bottom of it.

Thank you.

I’m having same problem after updating to 6.1. I’m not using any other security applications.

OS: Win 7 Ultimate SP1 x64

What happens if you reinstall by following the methods I suggest above?

Sorry for my very bad English 88)

Can everyone with this issue please list any other security applications which currently are (or even just used to be) installed?
—>> Comodo Internet Security 5 - 6.0 , Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware free

Also, please see if doing a complete reinstall, by following the methods I suggest in this topic solves the problem. Perhaps the issue is not with the new release but just with the auto-update.
–>>auto-update 6.1 == boot up extremely slow
–>>Uninstall Comodo Internet Security 6.1+restart +delete folder comodo-ccleaner temp-registry +restart + install Comodo Internet Security 6.1+restart === 1.boot up fast —>> setting comodo+ firewall+stealth+enable BB block+setting BB+restart == Boot up extremely slow ???

I’ve used the method you suggested and my boot problem is gone.

What about everyone else? Does reinstalling by using those methods fix your problems as well?

If so then it looks like the auto-update probably failed to remove a piece of the old version, therefore creating strange consequences.

I didn’t follow the methods above but I did download the latest standalone version from the Comodo site then ran the installer without uninstalling the autoupdate version first. It appears to have fixed the issue. So, it looks like it is indeed an issue with the autoupdate version.

I have tried turning on/off HIPS and advanced protection without any improvements. I’ve looked at the logs to see if something is being blocked by HIPS or marked as an untrusted file by the AV but nothing so far.

I have done both and update from the AV update (the first time I experienced the slow boot). I then uninstalled CIS and my laptop booted up quickly. I downloaded and installed CIS from the Comodo website. Initially my laptop booted up quickly but after I updated the AV and rebooted the boot times went back to 3:40 minutes.

I am not running any other security software besides Secunia PSI.

Ill do a full unistall with Revo. I will report if the same bug appears or if the issue is resolved with the full unistall and reinstall.

I am using CIS only so it can’t be any other security software conflicts

same problem…takes more than 2 minutes to get to my desktop after a black screen…followed uninstall and reinstall directions…same results…waiting for the fix…i just run the firewall…update link is now not connecting…pretty sure the link is shut down til the fix is found…

running Win XP…SP3

BTW…when i uninstalled comodo firewall the PC booted right up to the desktop

yesterdays update didnt fix the problem of taking 2-3 minutes for PC to get to the desktop after a black screen…hope this is being worked on…its annoying

thanks guys :slight_smile:

I downloaded the standalone file yesterday and updated over the top of the existing autoupdate version which had been causing problems. This fixed the problem. This morning I manually checked for updates and their is a programme update available but the ‘what’s new’ date states 17th of April 2013. Is it safe to update from the autoupdate? Yesterday the autoupdate was returning an error message when trying to connect.

Please advise if the fix is included in the latest release and that it is safe to use the autoupdate feature again.