BOClean-relationship to other Comodo freeware?

I have been running Comodo Firewall and AntiSpam for some time, and have never tried any of the other Comodo freeware. I also run NAV Anti-virus (as I’ve paid for it, but will not renew, but use Comodo Anti-virus), Spybot, Spywareblaster, Ad-Aware, AVG Anti-rootkit, etc.

Question1. If I use BOClean, and apart from Anti-rootkit, will this mean I no longer need to use any of these programs?

Question2. It seems Anti-rootkit is no longer a standalone Comodo program, but is now part of BOClean. Is that correct?

CAVS3 when it comes out is eventually expected to include BoClean technology and certainly it’s signatures. You’ll still need to run a full AV as BoClean isn’t a complete antivirus solution. It’s an early defense for your system. An analogy of this would be that your antivirus is the Burglar Alarm and BoClean is the motion Detector. it monitors your memory primarily and as soon as a trojan or other malware try to run and load itself into the memory BoClean stops it and removes it. It’s an impressive bit of technology and has saved me in the past even with Antivir PE Premium installed. It’s certainly an impressive addition to your system protection.

You’d probably be alright without Spybot and Ad-Aware once CAVS3 comes out but until BoClean’s integration it would be a useful addition.


Thanks, Eric. What is CAVS3?

I failed to mention I also run Trojan Hunter. Does that make any difference to what you have said?

CAVS3 =Comodo Anti Virus & Spyware 3

Shin answered the question. Currently Comodo Antivirus Spyware 2 is out in Beta though it has a number of bugs and only aroun 75% detection rate in some tests. Version 3 is a complete re-work which will also be seemlessly integrated in to Comodo Firewall Pro 3. We’re hoping to have Version 3 out in Beta this month (Fingers Crossed) if not early next month and it’s not expected to be in Beta long… It promises to be an impressive product so keep your fingers crossed and eyes peeled.
