BOClean Autoupdate failed by Firewall Security Level

Anyone know how to solve this problem ?

When I lower down the Firewall Security Level to Training Mode, I have no problem of doing update, the network security policy shows “custom” for BOC4UPD. But when I bring it up 1 level (eg: train with safe mode), it prompted me “Check firewall setting bla bla bla…”, I created a rule for it based on the training mode setting, it still prompt me.

I’m using CFP3 (with Defense+ disabled) & BOClean 4.25.

Hi hiker688,

You need a rule in “Application Rules” for C:\Program files\Comodo\CBOClean\BOC425.EXE
Choose a custom policy and make it outgoing only.

Regards, Matty

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Hi Matty,

Thanks. I did created all kind of rule: trusted all, outgoing only etc… but it still doesnt work. But strangely enough, after I post my question here, today I got the update successful. The date is 2008-03-26. My setting is trusted application for BOC4UPD & security level is train with safe mode. Not sure will it work for the next update or not… :THNK