BOClean 4.26 accessing CMDAGENT
Over here I made a post about Comodo Agent (cmdagent.exe) hogging my CPU, and how Comodo Firewall’s Defense+ Events showed that BOC426.exe was accessing cmdagent.exe in memory.

After I killed boc426.exe and boclean.exe, cmdagent.exe stopped hogging my CPU. I like Boclean 4.26, as it has given me no problems. But now I suspect it is somehow causing the cmdagent.exe problem I had today. Please look into this. Thank you very much for great products, and I hope it gets better.


After I killed boc426.exe and boclean.exe

About that last one:
As far as I know there is no file with the name boclean.exe or am I missing something?
There is however a file called bocore.exe . Was that the one you were talking about?

I have to leave your questions about Comodo Firewall to others.

But maybe the recently released test build of BOClean could help you; see here:

What would happen if you put cmdagent.exe in the BOClean exclusion list ?

About that last one: As far as I know there is no file with the name boclean.exe or am I missing something? There is however a file called bocore.exe . Was that the one you were talking about?
I'm sorry, you're right. I meant bocore.exe
But maybe the recently released test build of BOClean could help you; see here:

What would happen if you put cmdagent.exe in the BOClean exclusion list ?

Thank you! I didn’t know about the Program excluder in boclean. I will try it.


No problem about that bocore.exe !

As for Comodo Firewall: I know nothing about it, that’s why I said that I had to leave it to others.

I hope that the trick with putting cmdagent.exe in the BOClean Exclusion list might help you !
Here is the page that describes how to use BOClean’s Excluder:

Hi johnny,

You need to add the CBOClean .exe`s to CFP “Interprocess Memory Access” exceptions list.

1.Defence+/Advanced/Computer Security Policy
2.Find the Comodo Firewall Pro entry and highlight it,click “Edit”
3.Now click “protection settings” then “Modify” next to “Interprocess Memory Access”
4.Click “Add” and then choose “Running Processes”
5.Select the 2 BOClean processes and then APPLY to close all windows

You should end up with this.

Hope this helps,


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