Boclean 4.25 conflicting with Ad-aware Free version

Hello Folks,

Today I performed a full system scan with Ad-aware Free version (latest) and it choked. I remarked that the little Comodo Anti Malware (v.4.25) window on the taskbar was green. I could slowly move the mouse cursor but clicking on whatever had no result.
This happened while Ad-aware was scanning C:\System Volume Information_restore (endless code).

After a hardware reset I got the same result. Ad-aware choked while deep scanning another map.

Then I thought about that green window and stopped Boclean before making a third attempt: this time A-A made a successful scan!

Then a 4th scan just to be sure and with Boclean activated: green window and A-A choked.

Then a fifth scan with Boclean deactivated: A-A scans right.

Well, I made my point. :slight_smile:

Using WindowsXP with SP2

Greets, Maximilus

Personally I am not a fan of the new Ad-aware but I did not notice any conflict with BOclean when I tried it out.

You could always try dragging the executable for Ad-aware into Boclean’s excluder to see if this fixes the issue.


Hello moderator, :wink:

I was just downloading binaires with Free Agent when this choking happened again… and Comodo anti-malware again was green, so I decided to remove Boclean but I’ll try excluder first.

Thank you.


What other security applications do you have installed?


Reason: Out-Dated post.
