BOC425.XVU is corrupted

I tried updating BOClean and recieved the attached error message. I followed instructions to try the program updater again, but it did not work. I was told to go to and follow instructions at the bottom of the page, but I couldn’t find what to do.

Whether or not this is coincidental, I did install Microsoft Critical Updates earlier today, and this may be related?

[attachment deleted by admin]

FWIW… I fixed the problem.

I opened task manager and ended the BOClean processes that were still running, BOC425.EXE & BOCore.exe. Then I went back to the program menu and ran the updater, and it worked fine.

The key was stopping the processes.

I wish I knew if it was the MS Updates that caused the glitch. BOClean has been running and updating for me flawlessly for a long time, until this last round of MS Updates.

Hi fracTure :slight_smile:

That is indeed the recommended fix for this problem (:CLP)

Greetz, Red.

Hello Red,

Thanks for the reply.

The BOClean updater dialog should be changed. It is totally wrong (in this case) to tell users to go to the support page and, “at the bottom of the page, what you need to do is explained”. A real wild goose chase, for sure. The answer is not there. Why not have the updater dialog include the remedy… “Open task manager, end the BOClean processes that may be running, BOC425.EXE & BOCore.exe. Then return to the program menu and run the updater.”

Do you agree?

Hi fracTure :slight_smile:

The fix is in the Knowledgebase :

Maybe they should link to that, or indeed include it in the updater dialog :slight_smile:

Greetz, Red.

An answer from Kevin is split off in this topic.

Greetz, Red.