BOC & The latest Virtumonde variant?

I have a family member infected with this nasty peice of work, I’ve been reading this thread about its removal and think a wipe would be easier. Unless BOC can ride to the rescue.

If BOC fail to remove this could it wreak the system?

you can look at the posts in the dslreports “clean up” forum, where people have had recent vundo infections:

one program that has a good reputation for removing malware-infections is “superantispyware”… you could try using it to clean the infection… here is a link for it:

i can’t say how BOC would handle the infection… you could install BOC on the computer and run it and see what happens…

looking at the posts in the dslreports “clean up” forum, it looks like the infection can be removed without reformatting, but, still, reformatting is an option…

The latest Virtumonde/Vundo variant is realy nasty >:( It infects other applications, so you have to deinstall, and install them again to be cleaned :-\

Greetz, Red.

I’m curious as to how well it would prevent infection to begin with more than removing it. It’d be nice if Kevin would chime in on this.