Blocks Everything

Hey guys, long time no see.

I just recently bought a laptop and want to run CIS on it. The AV is working perfectly and I haven’t had any trouble. I have McAfee SecurityCenter running and I know that everyone says that you shouldn’t run more than one internet security software, but I’m not claiming I’m perfect (nor is McAfee). I’ve disabled it’s firewall so that Comodo would be the only firewall taking care of my computer - I made sure that Windows Firewall was off too.

Now this is where my problem starts. I restart the computer after installation and Comodo does detect that I have an internet connection, and I set the permissions. I put the firewall setting in learning mode so it’ll ask me what I want to do with my programs. I allow my Firefox, IE, Digsby, and other programs I want to surf the web, but Comodo insists on blocking everything from the internet. I tried restarting, changing the firewall settings, and uninstalling-reinstalling to see if that did anything and no.

I really want to run Comodo on my laptop, especially seeing McAfee’s leak results…

Thanks for any help guys.

Hi eric,

Ive seen problems arrising between these two before(in other posts) and one solution which im sure worked was to uninstall both,install Comodo first(Just Firewall) then install Mcafee.


The posts HERE