Blocking web sites

Lately while browsing, mainly on the PC Advisor web site I think, I have been plagued occasionally with a page from sometimes to the extent of 4 tabs in the taskbar. I wonder if there is a way of blocking particular web sites with Comodo.
I am using Comodo Firewall Pro Version with Windows XP, SP2 + AVG Pro, Defender, Spybot and AdAware.

Sure you can, either by IP address or hostname.

In this post there are two quick tutorials on these, toward the bottom.;msg45547#msg45547

Hope that helps,


That was mac’s trademark thread. Here’s mine: ** FAQs/Threads - Read Me First **:

[b]Block Websites by URL[/b],822.0.html

Thanks to both Little Mac and Soya for replying. I’m embarrassed to have to admit that I simply don’t understand where in Comodo I would find the section containing Action, Source etc. I’m sorry to say that I don’t have a clue how to apply your instructions!

• Open CFP’s interface and navigate to Security > Network Monitor > Click the +Add button to create a new rule.
• Once in this new screen you’ll have to navigate between the tabs at the top to change source, destination, etc.
• Once your rule is created be sure to select it on the rules list and move it up above the last block IP In/Out rule. This is because rules are hierarchical from top to bottom.

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Many thanks for the additional instructions Soya.
Time will tell if I’ve followed them correctly!

That shouldn’t be too long (:TNG) ;D

All you have to do is create the rule then browse to that website that’s being blocked.