"Blocked zones" doesn't work normally with a certain Host Name

“Blocked zones” doesn’t work normally with a certain Host Name

1. What you did: added ‘www.readlishi.com’ into «blocked zones»
2. What actually happened or you actually saw: After blocking the above Host Name, a)

ping www.google.com

, failed b) couldn’t open www.google.com, Firefox 3.6.28/15.0 IE 8.0 /Chrome…etc
3. What you expected to happen or see: allow to have access to www.google.com after blocking the above Host Name.
4. How you tried to fix it & what happened: removed CIS completely, and reinstalled and tested two versions of CIS.
5. If a software compatibility problem have U tried the compatibility fixes (link in format)?: NO
6. Details & exact version of any software (execpt CIS) involved (with download link unless malware):OS/comodo version: Vista-SP2/Comodo-5.5.195786.1383, XP-SP3/comodo-5.10.228257.2253, ping.exe(vista/xp)
7. Whether you can make the problem happen again, and if so precise steps to make it happen: Yes. a) ping www.google.com b) add www.readlishi.com into «blocked zones» c) ping www.google.com d) remove the above Host Name from «blocked zone» e) ping www.google.com
8. Any other information (eg your guess regarding the cause, with reasons): it was OK( i.e. I could access www.google.com after blocking ‘www.readlishi.com’) before 11 Sept. 2012, both WinVista-SP2/CIS-5.5.195786.1383 and WinXP-SP3/CIS-5.5.195786.1383.

B. FILES APPENDED. (Please zip unless screenshots).
1. Screenshots of the Defense plus Active Processes List (Required for all issues): N/A
2. Screenshots illustrating the bug: N/A
3. Screenshots of related CIS event logs: N/A
4. A CIS config report or file: N/A
5. Crash or freeze dump file: N/A
6. Screenshot of More~About page. Can be used instead of typed product and AV database version: N/A

1. CIS version, AV database version & configuration: Vista-SP2/Comodo-5.5.195786.1383, XP-SP3/Comodo-5.10.228257.2253
2. a) Have you updated (without uninstall) from a previous version of CIS: NO
b) if so, have you tried a clean reinstall (without losing settings - if not please do)?: N/A
3. a) Have you imported a config from a previous version of CIS: NO
b) if so, have U tried a standard config (without losing settings - if not please do)?: N/A
4. Have you made any other major changes to the default config? (eg ticked ‘block all unknown requests’, other egs here.): NO
5. Defense+, Sandbox, Firewall & AV security levels: D+=Disabled, Sandbox=Enabled, Firewall=Custom policy, AV=Disabled
6. OS version, service pack, number of bits, UAC setting, & account type:a) Windows Vista SP2, 32-bit, UAC, Admin b) Windows XP, SP3, 32 bit, Uac, Admin
7. Other security and utility software currently installed: NONE, including windows firewall and security center.
8. Other security software previously installed at any time since Windows was last installed*: NO
9. Virtual machine used (Please do NOT use Virtual box): NO

[s]as the title.

  1. I couldn’t have access to Google.com…etc after blocking www.readlishi.com from yesterday till now, and it was OK the day before yesterday.
  2. still alive after blocking news.sina.com.cn

Anyone here can tell me why?

OS/comodo version: Vista-SP2/Comodo-5.5.195786.1383, XP-SP3/comodo-5.10.228257.2253[/s]

Thank you very much for your report in standard format, with all information supplied. The care you have taken is much appreciated by Comodo, and will increase the likelihood that this bug can be fixed.

Developers may or may or may not communicate with you in the forum or by PM/IM, depending on time availability and need. Because you have supplied complete information they may be able to replicate and fix the bug without doing so.

Many thanks again

Let me explain what this bug.
(Sorry for my English, it’s a Google translate)

Before (version 2.3):
In the presence of the rules of domain names Comodo periodically contact the DNS, keeping up to date compliance hostname-IP (s), and enabling / relock the addresses clearly relevant to a particular host.

The first time the DNS Comodo generates a range of addresses to continue to work with him, not taking into account that in this range can get the address, not specific to a particular host. That is, when blocking a particular host Comodo blocks not specific addresses corresponding to a given host but a range that fall entirely foreign addresses.

And original in Russian: Раньше (версия 2.3): При наличии в правилах доменных имен Комодо периодически обращался к DNS, поддерживая в актуальном состоянии соответствие hostname-IP(s), и разрешение/блокировка происходила по адресам, четко соответствующим заданному хосту.

При первом обращении к DNS Комодо формирует некий диапазон адресов и в дальнейшем работает именно с ним, не учитывая, что в этот диапазон могут попасть адреса, не относящиеся к конкретному хосту. Т.е., при блокировке определенного хоста, Комодо блокирует не конкретные адреса, соответствующие данному хосту, а целый диапазон, в к-рый попадают совершенно посторонние адреса.