Block software opening web browser

Some desktop applications open web browser without user consent. Can you please make Comodo detect these kind of software behaviors, and ask user to block this behavior for that application permanently or for that moment only?

Do you plan to add this feature?

This is already possible but needs some work setting up.

With current CIS it is less convenient to regulate programs starting up others. With current settings trusted applications can start up other trusted applications without notifying the user.

You either need to switch D+ to Paranoid which will give you a lot of extra alerts or edit individual rules and block them executing your browsers.

Thank your for the idea.

Suppose that, there is a program file at the disk location:
I want to block this program opening my default web browser.
How do I do that?

Go to Defense + Computer Security Policy → Application Rules → Add → the Application System Activity screen opens → Select → now select MyProg.exe.

After you selected MyProg,exe you are back in the Application System Activity screen. Now click on Customise → now the Customize Policy screens open → click on the modify link behind Run an executable → the Run an executable screen opens → open the Blocked Applications tab and start adding all browsers you want to add. When done Ok and Apply your way back to Application Rules screen.

The last step is done in the Application Rules screen. The new rule will be in a place somewhere underneath a rule called All Applications. Drag and drop the newly made rule to a place somewhere above the All Applications rule.

Now you are done and can follow the same procedure for all applications you want control over.

I couldn’t see “Application Rules” under “Computer Security Policy”. Available tabs are:

  • Protected Files and Folders
  • Protected Registry Keys
  • Protected COM Interfaces
  • Trusted Software Vendors
  • Defense + Rules
  • Predefined Policies
  • Always Sandbox
  • Blocked Files

Can you please rewrite the path of relevant setting?

Well, I was ■■■■■■■■ to ask this. I did it as you instructed.
However my application still starts my browser. Is a restarted needed?

I see I made a mistake: sorry about that. “Application Rules” should be “Defense + rules”. I was mixing up Firewall and D+.

Sometimes a picture work better. Check the picture and following the screens clock wise. I blocked Daum Pot Player from starting up Opera.

The last step is done in the Defense + Rules screen. The new rule will be in a place somewhere underneath a rule called All Applications. Drag and drop the newly made rule to a place somewhere above the All Applications rule. See second image.

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