"Block & Log" rule blocks internet

I have CMD installed on 2 comps, 1 an XPpro box and the other a W2k box. They are configured the same as far as i can tell. The XP box works fine. The w2k box only works if I change the “block” rule to “allow”. I’m behind a NAT router. I’ve wasted far too much time trying to resolve this and will likely revert to my previous firewall soon unless someone can explain this behavior.

Here’s hoping for help

According to the FAQs this topic is about setting CPF with a NAT.

I hope that helps.

Have you defined a zone and then set it as trusted? When you do, this trusted zone will include the internal IP of your router and allow free and unrestricted traffic across your LAN. This is the most common answer to intra-LAN communications issues.

Hope this helps,
Ewen :slight_smile:

I dont think so as my XP box with CMD runs through the same router with no problem.

My problem is not “intra-” LAN. I can see my other comps with no problem. But i cannot get Iexplorer or Opera or Thunderbird to function as long as the “Block & Log” rule is in place, only on my W2k box. I have defined a trusted zone.


You absolutly sure you have the same configs on both computers, try exporting the registry settings for CPF from the working computer and writing them back on the non-working computer to make sure the settings are the same.


cheers, rotty

G’day Anton,

If you can provide answers to the following, we’ll have a better chance of fixing things.

  1. On your XP box, have you EVER received a pop-up about IE or FireFox?
  2. What version of CPF is currently installed on each PC?
  3. Have you tried getting the firewall to scan for known applications?
  4. Can you please post a screeshot of the network monitor rules from both machines.
  5. Can you please post the logs from the XP PC when it blocks IE or FireFox.

If you haven’t scanned for known applications, the steps are as follows;

  1. Open CPF
  2. Click the SECURITY button
  3. Click the TASKS button
  4. Select “Scan for known applications”

This can take a few minutes depending on the quantity of apps installed on your PC and the overall speed of your PC.

Thanks in advance,
Ewen :slight_smile:

  1. On your XP box, have you EVER received a pop-up about IE or FireFox?
    *never. Problem is with my w2k box and have never seen popup on it either.

  2. What version of CPF is currently installed on each PC?

  3. Have you tried getting the firewall to scan for known applications?
    *several times

  4. Can you please post a screeshot of the network monitor rules from both machines.

    *Rules are the seven basic ones on install, same on both machines.

  5. Can you please post the logs from the XP PC when it blocks IE or FireFox.

    *“inbound policy violation( access denied=192.168.x.x, port 1299”


Please post a screen shot of your rules. I understand that you say they are the standards, but the standard rules will not block a reply that originated from a valid outbound request from IE or FireFox. Idon’t understand why you have an inbound request to port 1299. Are you runnign any form of server software? Does port 1299 ring a bell with you at all?

ewen :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help but I took the quick way out and just deleted Windows and talked my son into using Linux(Mepis) with which I am much more familiar. Up and running within 30 min. Another 40 min to install VMWare and now he has W2K( for the couple of engineering apps ported only for Windows) and does not need a firewall. My problem with Comodo actually helped to convince him!

thanks again!

Please post a screen shot of your rules. I understand that you say they are the standards, but >the standard rules will not block a reply that originated from a valid outbound request from IE or >FireFox. Idon’t understand why you have an inbound request to port 1299. Are you runnign any >form of server software? Does port 1299 ring a bell with you at all?

ewen :slight_smile:

Never heard of Mepis Linux, you learn something new everyday. Thier are as many flavours of linux as their are of ice cream aren’t their (-:

Is Mepis easy to learn/use. (-:

cheers, rotty

if you’re interested download SimplyMepis Live iso, burn it to disk and it will run from your cd drive, albeit a little slow, but definitely gives you the idea. There are several others which are beginner friendly,i.e. Knoppix, Ubuntu. All are derived from the Debian kernel which is very easy to customize. You’ll see what security can really be. I still use Slackware the most. It is largely cmd line driven which makes it very powerful and lite but too geeky for most.

I started with Unix over 20 years ago and never really had to use Windows in my lab until 5 years ago so I have not spent the time to investigate W2k/XP networking much, always delegating that to one of the lab techs.

OpenBSD or FreeBSD are Unix flavors that are now becoming a little more user friendly. There is a lot of OS out there that are very secure but lack the wide range of software that XP has.


Yes, we are going to install slackware at somepoint.

Linux is needed a fair bit in servers and that, so i need to know how to use it (-:

cheers, rotty