Block all issues

I am trying to put the Comodo Firewall Pro 2.4 through its paces so I can make sure everything works fine. In one of the test, I change the security level from Custom to Block all.

Sure, it did block the internet activity. Passed.
I turned it back to Custom and everything was fine.
I shut down the computer.

Later I come back and powered on the computer. Guess what, it would not connect to the network, Comodo is still blocking the network connections even if was turned on to custom. One other thing that I had activated was the Advanced > Miscellaneous > Block all outgoing connections while booting because XP was complaining that the Firewall is off while it was completing its boot process earlier.

I took that option out, rebooted and it still did not work. I had to uninstall and re-install.

One more issue like this, I will wait for Comodo’s next release.

My OS is WinXP, SP2.
Network connection is a wireless DSL.
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