Beta site closed - Comodo DNS Servers 2.0 Beta

I’ve deleted my account due to my router configurations and registered again by using a different email address. As I sifted through my inbox I received an notification from Comodo stating the following: “Welcome to Comodo Secure DNS 2.0 Beta!
Thank you for your interest in our beta program.
The beta is currently closed. We will contact you when accounts become available.
Regards, by Comodo”

When will it reopen and should I use the older Comodo DNS servers instead until this gets resolved?

Any suggestions?

I don’t know to be honest mate, but what I can suggest is you inbox the staff who deal with this product* Which you will most likely find their username in the sticky threads…

*Each product has their own dedicated staff/department.


How do I inbox the staff? Where in the Forum do I go to inbox them?

you can try PMing dnsbrian

Why is/was the Beta Site closed to begin with ??? :THNK?