
i been having a problem with the firewall it crashes when i logged off to switch to other user of computer i am using win xp sp2 and then when i logged on to other side the firewall is off and the only way to fix it is to reinstalled it i did have the same problem with the other version of beta before this version too but the beta before that one know problems at all hope the non beta version for next week has this fix i do love this firewall through and have had friends wsitch to it

What sort of crash do you see? CPF.exe? It should generate a crash report int firewall installation folder. If you can send it to us, we can better understand.


i have to wait to it happens again because i been uninstalled and installing it back in after it happens i know throught that i see in the taskbar a visual library and it the firewall icon and when i use ace ultilies clean up it does pick up the crash do you what me to send it from the firewall or is there a place to send it if it happens again i am preety sure it will throught because it been happens on both my machines thanks

When it crashed, it should have created the necessary files, trace.txt, registry.txt, crash.dmp in the installation folder. You can send them to my email address. I have PMed my email address.


dear egemen

i was checking out the reply that you did and you said my problem was not like streetwolf so could you let me know will my problem be fx in the new release because i have to reinstalled fire wall already a few more times, i was wondering if you think i should installed the non beta until new non beta comes out i dont know what to do because we have to switch sides u know thank you mrgigabyte


Thanks to your memory dump, I think we have also fixed that bug. We may release another beta with such bugs fixed to see if it helps you. But in the stable release, these bugs wont be there.
