Beating a dead horse ...... (Firefox connection issue) [Resolved]

I really hope I’m not… Beating that dead horse that is, BUT…

(Ok, Ready ???)

I do not doubt the ability of Comodo Firewall… I’ve been running it and have tested it online at several sites that 'Try" your firewall…My one and only problem is with Firefox. Whenever I load up Firefox (for the first time in the day), I have to exit CF and restart it before it allows Firefox to connect. I have tried all the suggestions I can find on the site here to include deleting Firefox from the App Monitor and allowing CF to “find” it and set up it’s rules to no avail. I just dunno !!! I know there have been several users with same problems, but evidently they have found their answer to this problem. Anyway… to make a long story longer, that’s it in the proverbial nutshell and I’m sorry to bother you folks with this thing, since it’s most likely that it’s some odd setting that I am missing or something similar… Any help will be appreciated !!! I think you folks are definitely on the track with your products and am looking forward to Ver. 3 !!!

Many Thanks ahead of time…

Wyoming, USA


PIII Box running Win2K Pro

Thanks again to the Comodo Team !!

-Mod edited title for accuracy-

Hi Senlac_Hill :slight_smile:

Guess you need a pick me up :slight_smile:

To help, I’m going to need some information, it’s all in the detail :slight_smile:

would you be able to post screen shots of your Network Monitor and Application Monitor rules. Also please indicate any changes you have made to the default settings in CFP.

It might also be helpful if you would let me know, in detail, your start-up programs.

I will, more than likely, need some log details too, but they can wait for now :slight_smile:


I had a similar problem a while ago which started out with firefox continually crashing and then stopping connecting completely. I tried removing all add-ons to firefox but this did not work. Finally I uninstalled firefox, removed any trace of it or the add-ons from my pc and then re-installed Firefox. I have not had a problem since - I suspect I had a corrupt profile in firefox caused by an add-on but as I am no expert on firefox I can’t be sure of the real cause. It is fixed now though.


Attached are the screenshots and Startup file list that you needed to help fix this problem with Firefox !!!

Many Thanks…


[attachment deleted by admin]

Unfortunately the RAR seems to be corrupted :frowning:

I had a similar problem a while ago which started out with firefox continually crashing and then stopping connecting completely. I tried removing all add-ons to firefox but this did not work. Finally I uninstalled firefox, removed any trace of it or the add-ons from my pc and then re-installed Firefox. I have not had a problem since - I suspect I had a corrupt profile in firefox caused by an add-on but as I am no expert on firefox I can’t be sure of the real cause. It is fixed now though.

I had the exact same thing happen to me and thought it was because Firefox 2.0.3 had installed over 2.0.2. I completely unistalled both version and deleted them from the Comodo Application Monitor. Downloaded and installed Firefox again and haven’t had the problem again so far.

On another tack: A guy goes to confession and says to the priest “Forgive me Father for I have sinned. I was into S&M, Necrophilia and Bestiality. The Priest pauses and then says " You said was my son, and the guy answers yes Father I gave it up as it felt like I was just flogging a dead horse”

Sorry if it offends but seeing the thread heading I just couldn’t resist it.

No Problem… Am uploading as individual files…

Thanks Again !!!


[attachment deleted by admin]


I can’t see anything in the files you posted, that would suggest a reason for the situation you find yourself in.

One thing to try, assuming you haven’t already, is checking the CFP log files.

  1. Make sure this is the first time you are using fx for the day (Don’t run fx yet)
  2. Go to CFP\Actvity\Logs
  3. Right click any where in the Log windows and select ‘Clear all Logs’
  4. Right click any where in the Log window, select ‘Log Events Form’, make sure all are selected.
  5. Run fx.
  6. Check the Log entries…
  7. You can also post your Log file here. Just click in the log window and Export HTML. Zip the file and post.

See where that takes us


Those three blocked programs should all be unblocked. I have three entries for Firefox. One which is TCP = OUT and path is Firefox exe, One which is UDP = OUT also with Firefox exe as path. The one which states TCP/UDP In/Out has Explorer exe as the path. Now I remember reading a post on these forums stating that although Firefox has nothing to do with Microsoft it still needs Explorer to run as Windows needs Explorer to operate (something like that, anyway).

The other two are also genuine Windows programs and my experience is that if you let Windows stuff run you have less problems with your PC in the long run.


Those three blocked programs should all be unblocked.

If these applications are not required by the user, blocking them in AM is desirable. In fact I also have OE and IE blocked. Messenger has been completely removed from my system. Blocking these applications will not affect the correct functioning of applications like firefox.

Now I remember reading a post on these forums stating that although Firefox has nothing to do with Microsoft it still needs Explorer to run as Windows needs Explorer to operate (something like that, anyway).

What you are referring to is the "parent’ of an application, or, if you wish to look at it a different way, the host process, under which a child application is launched. For example, if you have a short cut on your desktop for firefox, the parent process will be explorer.exe.

Strictly speaking, if you NEVER launch firefox within the context of explorer, you won’t need a rule. For instance, I only ever launch firefox from a dock and sometimes from an email link in thunderbird, therefore, I don’t have rules for explorer as a parent.

The other two are also genuine Windows programs and my experience is that if you let Windows stuff run you have less problems with your PC in the long run.

Providing you don’t block essential windows services, such as svchost.exe, services.exe or the system process, you shouldn’t have any problems blocking standard windows applications like IE.


OK !!!

Magic meguesses !!!

Anyway… the problem has SEEMINGLY resolving itself… I haven’t made any adjustments to speak of at all, but the occurences of Firefox not connecting are stopping… ONE thing I have been doing is waiting a bit before starting FF… and then it goes right to the homepage… MOST of the time now… Wierd… Yessir it is…

I tried working with the log files as suggested and saw nothing at all out of the ordinary there. So, anyhow, I figure I’ll let this thing sit for a bit and see what happens, but I DO thank you folks alot for the help and ideas !!!

Many Thanks !!!

Wyoming, USA

Glad things have worked out. I’ll close this topic for now. If you need to re-open this, just ask a mod.