BBC Multicast.

When i was running Zone Alarm i could watch the BBC using Multicast,Comodo blocks it and i have tried different settings with no luck.
If i exit comodo and use windows firewall Mutlicast works fine.
I get the pop up below and allow but it doesn’t work.

Application - mplayerc.exe

Remote - IP : ... Port : dns (**) - UDP

Patent - iexplorer.exe

Can anyone help?


I have just noticed i am getting this message.

Inbound + outbound policy violation (access denied protocol = IGMP)

I remember when first using multicast i had to allow IGMP in my router set up so it looks like Comodo is blocking it,how do i fix this?

Thanks in advance.

Couldn’t get it to work so gave Ashampoo free firewall a try and multicast now works (:CLP)

I did some posts earlier this year about multicasting… You just need to Create a network rule allowing it. If you look closely at the alert it’s probably a IGMP Outgoing traffic that’s being blocked… I’ll try and find the message when I get up tomorrow.


Thanks, i hope someone can help as i prefer Comodo to any of the free firewalls.

Have a look at the messages here… Might be able to help you out… the hotfix seemed to fix my problems…;msg65685#msg65685

You need to create rules with the protocol set to IP. Select the “IP Details” tab and select “IGMP” from the pull down. I usually create separate rules for incoming and outgoing traffic when both are required.