Backup to USB drive


Have just installed Comodo Backup and am trying to do a backup to usb external Hard drive E:
This I have not been able to do as each time it returns an error message. On the destination tab, I have checked the box to make a folder on the drive; Then I unchecked the box and made a new folder on the drive (outside of the backup program - Windows obviously recognises the drive) and tried to backup to the folder, but all to no avail. It seems that the backup program does not seem to want to recognise the usb external drive.

Could anyone give me any help? Does the program recognise USB drives?

Thank you hollingwood

It is ok now as I have sorted it out. In the destination folder box, the program would not allow me to write a destination folder name refering to the external disk. The way it is laid out suggests that when the box “create folder if it does not exist” is ticked, it will do just that on the drive. However all it would do is return an “error for destination folder”.
I sorted it out by exiting the program and creating a folder on the external drive first, then going back into the program, and it read the disk with the new folder, and I was able to select it and carry out the backup.
