Backup Restore Password...

I backed up my files before I upgraded Service Packs and when I did, I had it backed up in CBU format and with no password. Now, I’m upgraded and everything is in the backup file and everytime I try to restore it, it tells me to enter a password; but, I didn’t set a password…



What version of Comodo BackUp are you using?
Do you have any hex-editor installed?
If so, I would like to have a look at first 32 bytes of the backup file.


I don’t have a hex-editor installed…

You didn’t mention what version of Comodo BackUp you used.
You can try the new BETA version:


I’m using the latest official one off the Comodo Site.
but, ill d/l the latest beta and see what happens…

still requires a password…

I still need to see the beginning of the backup file for analysis.
Please backup the file using Comodo Backup and set the split size to 5MB.
Email me the first split for analysis .


backup the backup file?


Now it’s not even letting me in the program. A window keeps popping up asking for a password.

Probably the settings file and the backup file are corrupted.
This is why a password is required.


I have the same problem as Jake… so there is nothing that we can do? my files are lost now?
what is your answer dont relay on comodo backup ?

You mean it wont let you into the program because it asks you for password or you have a cbu backup that asks for a password or both?


Can’t anyone come up with a solution?
It seems that a lot of people are having that problem…

For those who have this issue please make sure that you have no password; I have a cbu file that had a password and which I almost forgot but I remembered that I did which I later typed in and could restore with no problems.

It would be best if you, guys, backup your data as zip file.

Valentin N

Please see my answer here:;msg485119#msg485119
