Backup process fails

I’m using CBU v 2.2.127000.12
Windows XP pro. laptop.
Trying to do a ‘Disk,Partitions and MBR’ backup to an external hard drive in USB port.
After about 10 minutes the process fails with the error code as in the screenshot.
Any ideas why this is happening?

[attachment deleted by admin]


Please run a check disk on the external hard drive.
It might be a data error (cyclic redundancy check).


Chkdsk on external (F) drive ran ok.

Further to my previous posts, I also ran the ‘diagnostic’ function in the program and that came back ‘installed correctly’.
Then tried backing up just the ‘C’ drive in “Files and Drives” to see if that would work.
No luck there either - stalled with an error Code 4 after a few minutes.

To sum up, Backup using “Disk, Partitions, MBR” fails with a Code 100023 error.
Backup using “Files and Drives” fails with a Code 4 error.

Is there anywhere we can find out what all these error codes mean?


Please run a check disk on the source (C drive).
This can also cause be the cause of the problem.


I had the same problem because of a bad sector on my hard drive. I used HDAT2 which is installed on Hiren’s BootCD (Download | Hiren's BootCD PE) to repair the defect sectors because checkdisk didn’t work. After that I had no problems anymore.