Back Up Speed problems/ queries


I am running CB 3.01 and performing daily full backups (simple copy) to a DLINK 323 NAS over a cabled LAN (not wifi). The current data set is about 500 jpg images. When I initially, set up the daily back ups the back up ran about 5 hours, after a few weeks the backups started running 45 minutes average and I was quite pleased with that. A week ago the back started back up to 5 hours again. I have changed nothing except move the start time to 6pm from 430pm due to the shorter backup times. Settings include no compression; disk(network usage) is high; processor usage is normal.

Obviously, I would like my backup times down to 45 minutes again. Any ideas why it went to 5 hours and how I can revert back to 45 min?

On a side note, I created 6 weekly schedules to make daily full backups so that I have 6 days rotating backups at any point in time. Is there another way to accomplish this other than 6 separate schedules?

Thanks in advance for everyone’s help…


There was an issue with incremental backup in 3.0 version.
You can try to recreate the backup job or you can try the 4.0 version which is now in BETA stage here.

You can create a single full backup job with revision number macro and reset revision every 6 runs.


Hi Emmanuel,

On the first part of your response, the backups were full back ups not incremental. Not sure how that would change your response but i will try to recreate them in any case and see if it works.

Thanks, will keep you posted.

I thought they were incrementals.
Full backups usually take an amount of time which depends on the size and the number of items backed up.
So if it took 45 minutes to run a full backup instead of 5 hours, probably there was less data.


Unfortunately there was not that much of difference in the data set. the current set is 5000 images, when it was running 45 minutes it was 4300-4600 images, and even prior to that 2000-4000 images at 5 hours.

I’m just not understanding why the large fluctuation in back up times considering the data is increasing not fluctuating. In any case I have yet to try recreating the backup jobs as you suggested. I’ll also look into possibly installing v4.0

Hi Emmanuel,

I’ve tried recreating the back up jobs to no avail. Still runs 5 hours. I will look into upgrading to v4 next.

However, I’m wondering if anyone out there has any benchmarks on how long it takes them to back up 5000 files, more specifically jpg images.