azureus + comodo ports

Right. Ive read a few posts regarding this and i have managed to create the network rule above the default block to allow tcp/udp connections via port 6881 (azureus port) - i would change this port to something more random, but ive locked myself out of my router so the pinhole for 6881 is set and cant be changed (unless i poke the reset button which i dont want to do cos i dont remember all the ports i need opened… more of a hassle)

My question is…
having this port open seems… unsecure, I know i need it open for azureus… But the rule seems like its over riding hte block rule for that port completly

When im not using azureus - ie have it closed, Whats stopping that port from allowing connections
Is there any way to have the port open ONLY for azureus connections, Ie connections related to the torrent downloading only and nothing else…

I do see that is is stopping some things:
ICMP connections
IP connections

When azureus is not doing anything, how do i stop tcp/ip connections without having remove the rule

Sorry if this has already been answered…

Hey starlyte,

CFP uses a method I call adaptive stealthing. When you set up a network monitor rule to allow traffic to a specific port, that port is only opened IF there is an approved application listening on that port.

Since you have an application monitor rule for Azereus for that port, when Azereus is not running, the port is stealthed. When is it running, it’s opened for connections to that application.

Hope this helps,
Ewen :slight_smile:

That sounds good and smart.

So… If azureus not running at all, then everything gets blocked.

If it is running but there are no active uploads or downloads, things remain open?

If found that after a download is finished, And im done sharing it… Connections remain open untill i kill the azureus process

Is there any way to set it up so that the port is only open when azureus is actually asking for data through the port and not when its sitting idle?

Is there any way to set it up so that the port is only open when azureus is actually asking for data through the port and not when its sitting idle?

Unfortunately not, or at least, I’m not aware of any way to do this. AFAIK, the application calls for the port to be opened when it starts and, because the firewall has rules to allow it, it does so.

Ewen :slight_smile: