Avira Scheduled Updates in Free Version?

Does Avira scheduled updates in free version really works i.e updates? I mean you can create many scheduled task for updates to get multiple updates. But I always thought does it really updates? i.e the free version by default only updates one time in 24 hours or a day. So it may be possible that Avira may be issuing only one update in a day for free version. If Avira may be issuing only one update in a day, how can the schedule update work? i.e if the provider is issuing only one update, how schedule update can update?

Dont you think the schedule update will just check for updates & will not find more than 1 updates in a day as the provider is not issuing more than one update in a day for free version?

Have anyone checked if it really updates & not limited to one update a day?


The Free version does not limit the scheduled updates, you can have as many as you like. The number of updates available every day is different, usually Saturdays and Sundays they are more rare. The updates history can be checked here:


Here a screenshot of my Avira scheduler:

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I know as many updates tasks can be created. But does it really updates?

Have you ever cross checked the updates with the Avira site? i.e once you received your default updates i.e one update a day, after that have you tried checking it later 5-6 hours to see the updates on the site & your product matches.


As you can see the update version in the program corresponds to the latest released by Avira. Delay in updating to the latest database released happens very rarely, usually when there are big module or program upgrades. In these occasions the payed version of the program has higher priority. This delay in updating can be overcommed by manually updating it.

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Thanxx for the info.

I have configured Avira a little. I have enabled general - all threats - does this increases the chance of fps?

Can you tell me if it is good to enable drive by - iframes under web protection or enabling it can lead to blocking of legit sites too?


“general -all threats-” I’ve had this enabled for years and haven’t noticed any increase of fps.

Web Protection I don’t use as it significantly slows down my Internet.

Thanxx a lot for the info.

Here web protection is working fine i.e no net slowdown. I guess the default setting for web protection would be good to go for now.


That’s unusual, could I ask you to make a particular speed test (http://speedtest.net/) to compare results? I’m from Bulgaria and did the test with and without Web Protection. On the linked screenshot the download and upload speed with Web Protection enabled/disabled are shown:

  1. Sofia, Bulgaria (Web Protection enabled)
  2. Washington DC, USA (Web Protection enabled)
  3. Sofia, Bulgaria (Web Protection disabled)
  4. Washington DC, USA (Web Protection disabled)

There is a significant hit on International Internet download and upload speeds with WP enabled. Note also the graphs on the bottom of the respective windows, high peaks can be noted when using WP as a consequence of the filtering.


Here the differences are almost the same. Tried few times but marginal difference. With Avast webshield too not much difference i.e accepted difference with both avira & avast web protection.