Avira av update

Allwight folks,just updated to this new version from 268(which i had no probs with) and now i cant update avira av anymore.In clean pc mode(defence+) and train with safe mode for firewall,any suggestions would be great.

It may just be avira servers out, but been trying for hours even, did a clean install of v3 and started again but to no avail.


Didn’t you see any popups? If something is being blocked it should be in the logs, either the firewall’s or D+'s. Anyway setting Avira’s update.exe as either installer/updater or trusted app, and of course granting outgoing connection permission, works for me. :-\

afternoon. having same problem with updating. none before installing latest version. nothing in either log file either. will try later this evening before sacking out. tks. frank.

Cheers frank at least i now know its not just me(no pop ups either or log entries)

Regards Matty

ps i can see update.exe trying to connect,suppose its a wait and see,post if you get sorted or and ill let you know if i do.

I too have Avira and had this problem. What I did was switch off automatic update and then did it manually. When the Comodo pop-up warned me I checked the “treat as installer / updater” box and after update opened Avira and reset automatic update to my normal once weekly time. I have had no more problems and Avira updates every week.

i doin’t think it’s a comodo problem there was a engine update
and a big def.version update today http://forum.avira.com/thread.php?threadid=30759

this happens all the time when theres a big
update with avria antivir pe classic everybody is trying to update at the same
time i got my update today it took me 7 minutes to get a connaction them 30 minutes
to download them ( i’m on dialup ) so keep trying :slight_smile:


Major update at Avira today 3.3mb, there servers are jammed as usual with a large update.
Updated one box a while ago and just now got the test box to update after repeated failures.

Just a heads up.

howdy all. yup. big update. servers overloaded. just got mine squared away. have a good weekend everyone. frank.

Avira update crawled the other day. They have updated their search engine to V7.06.00.45

Thanks a bunch folks, i thought it seemed strange.

Regards Matty :■■■■