AVG AV permissions changing

I use AVG Free anti-virus in addition to the Comodo Firewall. For the second time, (the first time was some months ago), the permissions for my AVG free program to access the Internet change to “block” for no apparent reason. This makes AVG unable to retrieve the latest updates that it needs, and eventually flashes warnings that it is out of date, and that there is a problem.

Both times, I have done extensive scanning, including scanning in safe mode, and the use of online AV scanners, and my PC appears to be clean.

I have an HP Pavilion Desktop with Windows XP Home SP2.

Any advice on the possible cause and remedy would be appreciated.

Thank you to all who take the time to reply.

Not sure why this would suddenly change but I know there have been some problems with AVG files before, mostly the email scanner. The solution for the email scanner was to open CFP application monitor and ‘skip advanced security checks’ for the AVG files. It might be worth you trying this for any AVG files you find in your application monitor rules. You could also tick the ‘Allow Invisible Connection Attempts’ box as this may also help.


Every time AVG or any other Anti-virus program updates some of it’s major files CFP will ask for new ‘Allows’. It’s just being careful.
Just ‘allow’ and forget about it; no threat. :slight_smile:
Not sure if the newer CFP v3 (beta) will overcome this problem.

Thank you for the replies, however, I have two counter-replies:

I have web-based e-mail, so I have the AVG e-mail scanner uninstalled on my version of AVG. (This is okay to do if you do not need it.)

The permissions for AVG are not changing to “ask” in Comodo. They are changing to “block”.

Any further thoughts are appreciated.

EDIT: I checked the appropriate options as you suggested, N.T.T.W., in my three instances of AVG in Comodo. Only time will tell if that works.