Avast! Version 5 is here

Avast! 5 has landed.

£-- Free AV
£30 Pro AV
£50 Internet Security

Got a new website too.

Their forum server’s are under a heavy load. :-\

It’s gone from Beta .373 to Release .377, so only a few fixes/tweaks.

Better to d/l the setup exe from e.g. Softpedia - it’s 38MB and only a few files are used (about the same as using Avast’s Updater between Betas), so not recommended for slow connections.

Could be week or more (Avast mentioned months) before all languages are out (French and English versions so far), but at least it’ll be just an update (although v4.8 to v5 will be a big d/l).

The Internet Security is only 42MB :o Not bad.


pranaygtr, you got me wrong…

I meant Win x64 gets 190 without any security software (123zap tested). :wink:

I can only test on XP, 32 bit, and got 100/340 (with process virtualization), but 140/340 with 5.0.259 Beta. :-\

Oh right, sorry about that. I guess I misread your post… :-[

I’ll edit my previous post, to avoid confusion.

Is there BB and Sandbox anygood???

Process Virtualisation (aka Sandbox). ;D
You can make any program run sanboxed on-demand or all the time. Simply using the right-click context menu or from within avast.

It places a red border around the sandboxed window.

Hard to explain but,
Anything saved from a sandboxed browser won’t show in the originall location of where you saved it.

BB only works in 32-bit environment.

Taken a look at their latest offering, but still hoping that the A/V in CIS v4 closes the gap and performs as well (if not better) than the rest of them.

Will have to wait and see, “thanks for the heads up though!” :slight_smile:

New GUI looks cool and nicer :smiley:

I’d like to see some leak tests for this firewall. :wink:

Due to problems with the latest incarnation of CAV, I am now using Avast! 5 and I must say that it’s pretty impressive. It even has a full screen detection mode where all alerts and popups are suppressed but protection stays at 100%.

The GUI used for this program is by far one of the best that I have ever seen.

I would love to see CIS develop one this straightforward and easy to use.

I agree, the gui of the free AV is really nice and intuitive. A vast improvement over the previous DvD player like one. The performance and resource usage is very good too.

LOL–“A vast” improvement

I’ve been using it on one of my machines since beta. No problems - it works great. :-TU

I installed Avast this afternoon, just for some hours out of curiosity.

It has one of the most attractive GUI’s I’ve ever seen. Simple, yet complete; beautiful, yet sober; organised, yet friendly.
I particularly liked the colors: vivid but soft.

The GUI from V4 compares badly, specialy the agressive red. Looks to much like McAfee; not a good reference.

installed avast earlier today, Clean,slick and attractive GUI. Notice that it’s also extremely light :slight_smile:
I am happy with avast 5.

Extremely bad detection rate too.I have tested it for some time.I can assure you, CIS 4 is way better than this rift-Avast!5. :wink:

That’s very nice to know, thanks for the input “bequick”, also from some tests, the beta is performing well enough already from a post/test I read.

End of Feb or Early/Mid March I wonder, oh well best not to rush, and refine instead.

PS (sorry to OP for kinda doing a Hijjack)

Avast’s detection rate is not “extremely bad” It’s actually very good with practically no false positives. They do not release updates very fast though. I was getting one per day when I used it while the problem with CAV was being ironed out. I’m back with CAV now and all is well.

Tried it on a computer i`m sorting out at the moment and it seemed to slow it down browsing quite a bit. Like the new interface, allthough a bit to busy for me ( lines, graphs, et all).

Installed it more for the GMER scan :a0